
I found yesterday that if the primary DNS server is missing the running of 
cf-agent -vK slows down and looks like only one cf-agent can run in the same 
time. I run the cf-agent -vK command with cssh, so I can see what's going on 
quite well. I have about 10 systems in this test environment.

This is the last verbose line from cf-agent :
cf3 Loaded /var/cfengine/ppkeys/root-...

Than all of them wait except one that's running. After it finish there's some 
wait and than an other one kicks off.

I tried to disable as many DNS related check as I could, but no success.

body agent control
ifelapsed => "15";
expireafter => "30";
skipidentify => "true";

body server control 

allowconnects         => { "" , "::1", "192.168.11.*" };
allowallconnects      => { "" , "::1", "192.168.11.*" };
trustkeysfrom         => { "" , "::1", "192.168.11.*" };

# Make updates and runs happen in one

cfruncommand          => "$(sys.workdir)/bin/cf-agent -f failsafe.cf && 
allowusers            => { "root" };

maxconnections => "20";
logallconnections => "true";
skipverify            => { "" , "::1", "192.168.11.*" };

When I enable the primary dns server (just add an IP to the secondary one, so 
the primary and secondary DNS server is the very same system, no chance that 
there's any difference) everything works very fast and seems parallel.

I'd expect that there is some delay in during the cf-agent running (a udp 
timeout), but I can't explain why there's only one client running at once and 
the rest of them is waiting.

I guess I'm missing something, any hints what can be this exactly?



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