This is a technician's point of view. It is only useful to an organization if 
it is
clearly documented. The part I was objecting to was the perl script that 
generated this
thing, which was a step backwards from comprehensibility.

Collecting patterns of data in a simple format is not a bad idea, in the way 
that you
suggest, then this can be read into an array by cfengine. The key is to make 
the pattern
itself into a piece of documented system knowledge, not simply use it as a 
short cut that
hides the information from clear view.

Erlend Leganger wrote:
> 2009/12/11 Mark Burgess <>
>> Forgive me for pouring scorn on this idea, but it has absolutely no 
>> conceivable merit to
>> use an inappropriately cryptic script to generate something that is supposed 
>> to be a piece
>> of documentation about the system. This is nonsense.
> Someone could argue that a construct like this is "inappropriately
> cryptic", it certainly has Perlish flare to it:
>             "any" usebundle => fileperms(
>                "${${files}[trg]}",
>                "${${files}[mod]}",
>                "${${files}[usr]}",
>                "${${files}[grp]}"
>                );
> I would argue that a file which contains eg
> /etc/profile,root,root,0644
> /etc/cron.allow,root,root,0600
> /etc/motd,root,root,0644
> is a very good piece of documentation for the system - this is the
> core information for these files, while the actual code of the cf3
> policies that execute the above is of less interest.
> - Erlend Leganger
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Mark Burgess

Professor of Network and System Administration
Oslo University College, Norway

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