Perhaps you have access to some fancy tools, like purify, insight etc
that might help debug this. It sounds like some kind of heap corruption.


Matt Richards wrote:
> Well, I hate to say this, but I am still having this problem (svn 657
> now). However, I am getting closer. When cf-serverd core dumps, I get
> a corresponding "Fatal cfengine error: memory failure" on the client.
> I am not sure which one dies first, but I am guessing the client
> (cf-agent). I don't understand why it would get a memory failure, the
> code is just doing a regular malloc, and the machines (random, never
> the same one twice) in question have plenty of memory. I will dig
> (pulling my soxs up) more, but it is just odd.
> On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 5:29 AM, Mark Burgess <> wrote:
>> Matt,
>> I am glad to hear that this no longer troubling you, but I am unable to 
>> trace the source
>> of a problem. If you see anything else, let me know.
>> Matt Richards wrote:
>>> Okay, after working on this one for a long time, I did noticed that
>>> the connection structure is partially corrupted when cf-serverd cores.
>>> It always dies in the same spot in openssl:
>>>                         MD_Update(&m,&(state[st_idx]),MD_DIGEST_LENGTH/2-k);
>>> The MD_DIGEST_LENGTH/2-k become negative, and when passed to a
>>> unsigned long, it becomes a huge negative number. Tracing though
>>> OpenSSL got me very discouraged as it tends to get very tedious and
>>> complicated, so I decided to trace back the cfengine code. One thing I
>>> did notice in common with the core dumps was that the conn structure
>>> seemed corrupted:
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Mark Burgess

Professor of Network and System Administration
Oslo University College, Norway

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