Christopher Browne wrote:
> Mark Burgess <> writes:
>> The backend does not have to change. We are supporting alternatives, not 
>> replacing the
>> backend.
> Elsewhere, you have some changes to do some SQL integration; would there
> be any value to having one of the alternative be to stow this data via
> an SQL engine?

SQL is overkill for an embedded database.

> There may be a downside to such...  It's probably not a nice thing to
> introduce a dependancy on either:
>   a) requiring a DB server to be installed on each host running
>      cfengine, or

Absolutely correct.

>   b) introducing a deep dependancy on a central DB server, where failure
>      of that could cause all of cfengine to fall over
> I suspect that between a) and b), this would be a terrible idea, and
> that it's *way* better to use a DBM variation.
> On the other hand, there might well be value in providing a way to dump
> out the contents of a host's DBM data with a view to loading it some
> place central for analysis.

Buy Nova and get it out of the box ;-)

Mark Burgess

Professor of Network and System Administration
Oslo University College, Norway

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