Revision: 14661
Author:   druzus
Date:     2010-06-02 08:30:20 +0000 (Wed, 02 Jun 2010)

Log Message:
2010-06-02 10:30 UTC+0200 Przemyslaw Czerpak (druzus/at/
  * harbour/src/vm/garbage.c
    + added new PRG function HB_GCSETAUTO( [<nNewVal>] ) -> <nPrevVal>
      which allows to set the frequency of automatic GC activation.
      <nNewVal> is number of GC items (in thousands). If total number
      of new GC items allocated from last GC pass exceed this value
      then GC is automatically activated. Setting 0 disable automatic
      GC activation. Automatic GC activation is necessary for programs
      which allocates big number of complex items with cyclic references
      without entering any idle state which can activate GC. In such
      case users have to add to their code call to hb_gcAll() function.
      In xHarbour they used sometimes background task for this job
      but it's inefficient workaround for the problem due to reduced
      This code is still experimental code enabled by HB_GC_AUTO Harbour
      compile time macro.

  * harbour/src/debug/dbgentry.c
    ! fixed potential memory leak in unused code for GLOBAL [EXTERN]
    ! cleaned a little bit code for line numbers with good break points

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