This is Harbour's IDE - integrated development 
environment - centric, ready-to-use distibution.
You can download it from 

This distro is comprised of following parts:

1. Harbour binaries for mingw and bcc.
2. Mingw C compiler.
3. hbIDE.
4. Qt's minimum runtime required to link 
     and execute a hbQT based application.
5. Environment 

This distro also provides building-blocks to 
experment with hbQT implementation. It is 
particularly useful to Xbase++ developers 
who are looking for alternatives.

Run the installer, and if possible, follow 
the default folder - C:\harbour_dev. It is not 
mandatory, just a suggession to keep the structure
simple enough to recognize. You can change the 
drive as you wish, and even root folder, but 
follow above advice if possible.

After installation is complete, you will have an
entry into the programs folder and also a desktop
icon if you did opted for it. Click any one or 
at the end of installation opt for "Run..."

hbIDE's welcome screen should popup in front of you.
To start anything significant, please follow few
simple steps, only once, to setup your environment.

1. Copy {app}env\hbide.env and paste it somewhere.
2. Open pasted copy and change

      [ MINGW ]
{content} set IDE_INSTALL=C:\harbour_dev


      [ MINGW ]
{content} set IDE_INSTALL=C:\somefolder\harbour_dev

assuming you have installed the setup in 
C:\somefolder\harbour_dev instead of its default

3. Run hbIDE.
4. Click "Compiler Environment" icon on the right
   toolbar and provide the path_to_modified_hbide.env
   in "Path to hbIDE env:" field.
5. The contents of this file must show-up.
6. Click "Save and Close" button.
7. That's it. You are ready to build a project.

Let's warm-up with an existing project before starting
some serious work.

1. From <Files> menu select "Open a Project".
2. File open dialog will showup. Navigate to 
   C:\harbour_dev\contrib\gtwvg\tests, and select
3. Project will appear in "Projects" tree window 
   at the left.
4. Right-click on the project name node - Demo WVG -
   and from "Select an Environment" menu option 
   select "MINGW".
5. Again right-click on the project name node and 
   select "Build and Launch"
6. There you go, if everything is ok, project must 
   build and you must see demowvg.exe running.
7. Off course you will not see all the images
   on the screen, because we have not instructed
   this project to "Start in:" proper place, but 
   WVG console must appear.
8. Quickly add other projects - Demo WVG_XBP.
9. You can also play with demoXBP and demoQT but 
   for this to happen, you will need to provide 
   either _path_to_qt_dlls_ as global path which 
   should be visible to hbIDE or copy 
   {app}\harbour_dev\Qt\4.6.2\lib\*.dll to 
   Windows system32 folder or copy in the folder 
   where demoxbp.exe is residing.

A html compiled help file hbIDE.chm and the same
in PDF format hbIDE.pdf is also included in the 
distro. Examine them. These are exactly the same
help which you can find online at 

hbIDE is now mature enough to handle any large
project, but still, please note that this is 
not an official release, so you may expect bumps 

This distribution includes only binaries. Please
download SVN tree if you need sources or want to 
play with the latest commits. It is not necessary
for your applications.

   - Updated Harbour Sources from SVN 
   - Build Harbour Binaries for above Compilers
   - Compiled and Executed demowvg.prg
   - Bundled the Package
   - Uploaded to my site
   - Downloaded the package on another computer
   - Run the Installer
   - Compiled and Executed demowvg.prg for each compiler


Pritpal Bedi | a student of software analysis and design

http://www.vouch.in  | Vouch, the software that GROWS with you
http://www.vouch32.com  |  Home of Vouch32 ActiveX Server ( FREE )
http://www.vouchcac.com/vouch32/vouch32.htm   |   A Windows Extended
           Utilities Library for Clipper, Xbase++ and (x)Harbour ( FREE )

http://hbide.vouch.info | hbIDE explained.


     enjoy hbIDEing...
        Pritpal Bedi 
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