if you try demowvg you can resize for have effect like maximize
Maximize like in dos application is not applicable because is a gui based on
Maximize will be choice biggest font possible like you made if you resize
your application from lower righ corner
you can set number of  row and col then define size of font

i not have resize function ready to use

2010/5/29 Itamar Lins <itamarl...@gmail.com>

> Em 28/5/2010 21:39, vouch...@users.sourceforge.net escreveu:
>  Revision: 14632
>> http://harbour-project.svn.sourceforge.net/harbour-project/?rev=14632&view=rev
>> Author:   vouchcac
>> Date:     2010-05-29 00:39:20 +0000 (Sat, 29 May 2010)
>> Log Message:
>> -----------
>> 2010-05-28 17:27 UTC-0800 Pritpal Bedi (prit...@vouchcac.com)
>>   + contrib/gtwvg/tests/demowvg.hbp
>>     + Project definition.
>>   + contrib/gtwvg/tests/wvgactivex.prg
>>   + contrib/gtwvg/tests/wvgcuigdialog.prg
>>   + contrib/gtwvg/tests/wvgdyndialogs.prg
>>   + contrib/gtwvg/tests/wvgmodal.prg
>>   + contrib/gtwvg/tests/wvgqt.prg
>>   + contrib/gtwvg/tests/wvgtbrowser.prg
>>   + contrib/gtwvg/tests/wvgutilities.prg
>>   + contrib/gtwvg/tests/wvgwvtclasses.prg
>>   + contrib/gtwvg/tests/wvgxbp.prg
>>     + Code organized in logical units.
>>  Hi!
> If possible make example of window maxmized, etc step by step, to future
> migration of users the WVW.
Massimo Belgrano
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