how to create harbour documentation? Click on find in file search in c:\harbour\src and subdir Open source code in editor from find in file Click on "Documentation Writer" icon on the right-toolbar,
Position cursor somewhere inside a function body, Click on "Load from current function" icon on the top-toolbar of "Document Writer" widget, Look at the contents, few fields will be auto filled with various info from current function, Complete the other fields with relevent information, Click on "Save the documentation with current function", Look at the function body in the editor, The NANFORUM compliant documentation will be inserted at the top of function's prototype. Click on "Save written/updated documentation" icon, and provide the filename to save on disk, Copy such generated .txt in /harbour/doc/en, Open "Harbour Document Viewer" and you should be viewing newly written documentation there. Such generated file is ready to be uploaded to SVN, just send it to the list and group will decide if it needs something extra. Modifica la pagina (se disponi dell'autorizzazione necessaria)<> | Google Documenti -- Elaborazione di testi, presentazioni e fogli di lavoro sul Web <> -- Massimo Belgrano base on post of Priptpal
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