sorry pritpal but what i miss? Why not dispay entire row? I try but in 19
// hbmk2 wvg.prg -gtwvg -gui REQUEST HB_GT_WVG_DEFAULT REQUEST HB_GT_WVG #INCLUDE "HBGTINFO.CH" function main set color to "N/W,N/BG,,,N/W*" cls SETMODE(25,80) hb_gtInfo( HB_GTI_ICONFILE, "sample.ico" ) hb_gtInfo( HB_GTI_WINTITLE, "Programm Title" ) Hb_GtInfo( HB_GTI_SELECTCOPY,.T.) Hb_GtInfo( HB_GTI_RESIZABLE, .T. ) HB_GTINFO( HB_GTI_CLOSABLE, .T. ) HB_GTINFO( HB_GTI_RESIZABLE, .T. ) HB_GTINFO( HB_GTI_CODEPAGE, 255 ) Hb_GTInfo(HB_GTI_MOUSESTATUS, 1 ) screenWidth:= HB_GTINFO( HB_GTI_DESKTOPWIDTH ) screenHEIGHT:=HB_GTINFO( HB_GTI_DESKTOPHEIGHT ) HB_GTInfo(HB_GTI_FONTNAME, "Courier New") HB_GTInfo(HB_GTI_FONTQUALITY,HB_GTI_FONTQ_HIGH ) if screenWidth >= 1920 Hb_GtInfo( HB_GTI_FONTWIDTH, 21 ) HB_GTInfo(HB_GTI_FONTSIZE, 40) ELSEIF screenWidth >= 1600 // 1280 *960 Hb_GtInfo( HB_GTI_FONTWIDTH, 18 ) HB_GTInfo(HB_GTI_FONTSIZE, 32) elseif screenWidth >= 1280 // 1280 *960 Hb_GtInfo( HB_GTI_FONTWIDTH, 13 ) HB_GTInfo(HB_GTI_FONTSIZE, 20) // 15*80=1200 36*25=900 elseif screenWidth >= 1024 // 1024*760 Hb_GtInfo( HB_GTI_FONTWIDTH, 12.5 ) HB_GTInfo(HB_GTI_FONTSIZE, 20) elseif screenWidth >= 800 Hb_GtInfo( HB_GTI_FONTWIDTH, 10 ) HB_GTInfo(HB_GTI_FONTSIZE, 18) ELSE Hb_GtInfo( HB_GTI_FONTWIDTH, 14 ) HB_GTInfo(HB_GTI_FONTSIZE, 8) ENDIF SETMODE(25,80) clear FOR A=0 TO 24 @ a,0 say "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789" next a wait 2010/5/28 Pritpal Bedi <> > > Hi > > A little update, I have examined the sources. > > 1. These two calls are not readonly. These also sets the SetMode() > depending upon the width and height you supply as pixels. So beware. > > 2. The correct approach is: > > To get the entire screen width/height > > nScrWidth := hb_getInfo( HB_GTI_DESKTOPWIDTH ) > nScrHeight := hb_gtInfo( HB_GTI_DESKTOPHEIGHT ) > > and then base your font parameters onto them. > > HB_GTI_SCREENWIDTH/HEIGHT gives you, and optionally sets > ( which you must not unless you are aware what it will change ), the WVG > console width and height in pixels. > > >
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