have tried in a machine with Crystal report XI installed and not show anythig on machine without crystal report
What i have miss? function main() local oCrystal local oReport local oCrViewer local adbf,i aDbf := {} AADD( aDbf, { "FN", "N", 10, 0 } ) AADD( aDbf, { "FNF", "N", 12, 4 } ) AADD( aDbf, { "FC", "C", 40, 0 } ) AADD( aDbf, { "FD", "D", 8, 0 } ) AADD( aDbf, { "FL", "L", 1, 0 } ) AADD( aDbf, { "FM", "M", 0, 0 } ) dbCreate("dbtest",aDbf) use dbtest for i = 1 to 15 append blank replace fn with INT(sin(i)*i) replace fnf with sin(i)*i replace fc with replicate( CHR(65+INT(ABS(sin(i)*25)) ), 40 ) replace fd with date() + MOD(INT(sin(i)*i),10000) replace fl with IIF( SIN(i) >= 0, .T., .F. ) next oCrystal := CreateObject( "CrystalRuntime.Application.11" ) oReport := oCrystal:OpenReport("dbtest.RPT") // was ( crpt) oCrViewer:= CreateObject("CrystalReports11.ActiveXReportViewer.1") oReport:DiscardSavedData() oReport:ReadRecords() oCrViewer:reportsource(oReport) oCrViewer:ViewReport() //oReport:Printout(.t.) wait RETURN NIL function sin PARAMETER X_VALORE return (X_vALORE - INT(X_VALORE/6.28)*6.28 - 3.14)/3.14 -- Massimo Belgrano
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