> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Exit Code [ 0 ] Exit Status [ 0 ] Finished at [ 09:32:22 ] Done in [ 4.16 
> Secs ]
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Detected exeutable => curd.exe
> Launch error: file not found - curd.exe
> How is possible that executable is detected but non found???

hbide properly detects the executable name 
from hbmk2 output, but doesn't to complete 
it to a proper path if no or relative path is 
present in detected output executable name.

Such completion should properly "emulate" 
the behavior of hbmk2 for the case when no 
absolute output directory is used. In normal 
case it should be able to run the output 
name as is.

My guess is that it fails in HBIDE because 
HBIDE _does change current dir_, which is 
a dangerous thing to do in general and will 
mess up any process which rely on current dir 
(IOW any process which uses no or relative paths), 
such as running a relative filename got from 
hbmk2. So IMO HBIDE should never try to alter 
current dir, or if it does, it should adjust 
all relative filenames accordingly.

   curdir = C:\work\
   filename = proj\my.exe
after changing curdir, should be:
   curdir = C:\myoutput\
   filename = C:\work\proj\my.exe

The other option is to use -run hbmk2 option 
to let hbmk2 do the launching.


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