you can use last binary present in harbour 2.0.0 or you can download last source from svn
Url of repository: SVN: Subversion (aka svn or SVN, the name of your command line tool) is a version control system designed specifically to be a modern replacement of CVS, which is considered to have some defects. More details at: <> Download the SVN for windows 32 bits: Once installed. Using explorer, right click and choose the option: Checkout Url of repository: Url of repository: Checkout directory: c:\harbour Ready. just wait download entire source in linux open a terminal and put follow command mkdir $HOME/src cd $HOME/src svn co cd $HOME/src/harbour Here you need to compile in windows Download (Core GCC Current Series) from and install in C:\DEVL\MinGWtdm Put in path your c compiler and definie with external library want compile I suggest follow instruction in c:\harbour\install cd \harbour SET HB_INSTALL_PREFIX=C:\HARBOUR SET PATH=C:\DEVL\MinGWtdm\BIN;C:\HARBOUR\BIN\WIN\mingw;%PATH% WIN-MAKE clean install Directories will be created within Binaries in the harbour\bin\win\mingw Libraries in the harbour\harbou\lib\win\mingw Includes in the harbourinclude I suggest follow instruction in c:\harbour\install In linux export HB_BIN_INSTALL=/usr/bin export HB_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/bin export HB_LIB_INSTALL=/usr/lib/harbour export HB_INC_INSTALL=/usr/include/harbour export HB_DOC_INSTALL=/usr/share/doc/harbour export HB_ETC_INSTALL=/etc/harbour export HB_CONTRIBLIBS="hbqt hbct hbhpdf hblog hbxml hbmzip hbtip hbvpdf hbxbp hbgd hbpgsql hbcurl hbmysql hbsqlit3 hbssl hbodbc rddsql gtqtc hbmisc" export HB_BUILD_SHARED=no make clean make sudo -E make install harbour -build 2010/5/23 Ashfak <>: > > Hello, > > How can I create hbnetio.lib from the latest source available at > Sourceforge? > > I have installed Harbour 2.0.0. > > Thank you. > Ash -- Massimo Belgrano
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