Hello Viktor I am almost done with QScintilla wrappers which completely isolate the need to host QScintilla sources into our repository, but still wrappers be genrated from .qth files and placed in hbqt/qscintilla.
This folder contents are isolated from the main build system of hbqt. The only reference needed for them to work is to include hbqt.h. A qscintilla.hbp file is there to build the library via hbMK2. This folder only contains wrapper classes to QScintilla. Everything is working fine except the moc_*.cpp files which I have to create manually. Is there a chance this can be done in hbMK2 ? It will greatly simplyfy the build process plus will open the way to build contrib Qt based libs with similar fluency as per current Harbour make system. All other aspects are already in hbMK2. qscintilla.hbp ------------ -info -trace -inc -w2 -es2 -hblib -incpath=../ -incpath=${QT_WITH_SCINTILLA}/qt // where QScintilla headers are -incpath=${HB_WITH_QT}/include -incpath=${HB_WITH_QT}/include/qtcore -incpath=${HB_WITH_QT}/include/qtgui -ohbqscintilla hbqt_hbqsciscintilla.cpp moc_hbqt_hbqsciscintilla.cpp HBQsciScintilla.cpp THBQsciScintilla.prg --------------------------- hbqtgen.prg is tuned to spread sources in the folder its <Class> Folder = qscintilla </Class> section defines. Opinions are welcome. ----- enjoy hbIDEing... Pritpal Bedi http://hbide.vouch.info/ -- View this message in context: http://harbour-devel.1590103.n2.nabble.com/hbMK2-Feature-Request-Auto-generated-moc-cpp-files-tp5089535p5089535.html Sent from the harbour-devel mailing list archive at Nabble.com. _______________________________________________ Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB) Harbour@harbour-project.org http://lists.harbour-project.org/mailman/listinfo/harbour