
> I have this .hbp file:
> -trace
> -info
> -hblib
> -omylib
> -inc
> -workdir=hbobj
> -iInclude
> -prgflag=-b
> and then a list of about 20 source files.
> this files are compiled and I find the .obj files in directory hbobj
>> From these files a mylib.lib is assembled.
> Now I'm linking this library in a program using -lmylib and I find the
> linker loads the WHOLE mylib.lib, not just the used functions... is it
> normal ?
Are you sure? 

While t's theoretically possible that a linker is so 
"simple" to link everything regardless of what is used, 
but I haven't seen such a thing, not even with BCC.

So, if indeed everything is linked, it can only be the 
result of real references.


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