>> The problem is probably in your display or output
>> settings.
>> Viktor
> Thank you Viktor!
> I got confused because I used an ANSI editor to write the PRG code when the 
> codepage table code is written in OEM.

Yes, the codepage you chose is CP850, which 
means "OEM" in Microsoft-speak.

> Once that is figured out we will write ANSIUpper() and ANSILower() functions 
> to convert the parameter string from ANSI to OEM before passing it to Upper() 
> and Lower() and then convert their return back to OEM. That is not so fast 
> and practical but should work.

I don't see why such complication is necessary, 
or what do you really want to do. If you need 
"ANSI" codepage, why don't you use PTISO, or 
it's also possible to add a PTWIN codepage if 
you (or anybody else) can provide one.

> But, as a suggestion, I think that it can be very usefull if Harbour can 
> support ANSI based codepage. I mean, instead of always converting strings 
> from OEM to ANSI or converting source code to OEM one could just select the 
> code page as ANSI or OEM at hb_CDPselect(cdpID,bAnsi) or with a 
> Set(_SET_ANSI_CODEPAGE). Then when ANSI codepage mode was set, the upper and 
> lower char tables could be converted to ANSI inside hb_buildCodePage before 
> the get to cdp->lower and cdp->lower members, or (and this would be more 
> complex) cdp structure could be extent to carry also ANSI lower and upper 
> tables.
> What do you think about it?

ANSI and OEM are totally confusing Microsoft 
(Windows-specific) terms so we stay out of 
using them in Harbour. 

We already support both, but with other names. 
"ANSI" is usually "??WIN", and "OEM" is usually 


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