Em 19/05/2010 19:25, Itamar Lins escreveu:
Em 19/05/2010 18:34, Viktor Szakáts escreveu:
Function TestLoadLib
Local hDll := hb_LibLoad("rmchart.dll")
The return is 0 if run ok file "rmchart.dll" exist and 'U' if file
does not exist.
Is this correct?
VALTYPE() can never return '0'.
HB_LIBLOAD() will return empty value (NIL) on failure
and pointer on success.
Yes, the return is "U" undefined if not found file dll.
And 0 if run ok.
My tests is Win 7, with MingW, ChangeLog 14527
Best regards,
Itamar M. Lins Jr.
Sorry my fault, return of valtype is 'N'. Value is 0.
Very busy for here... :(
best regards,
Itamar M. Lins Jr.
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