> but with MT returns .F. very slower
> log smtp with error
> 20100514-09:29:31  :INETCONNECT( smtp.gmail.com, 465 )
>>> <pointer> <<
> 20100514-09:29:31  :INETERRORCODE( <pointer> )
>>>          0 <<
> 20100514-09:29:41  :INETRECVLINE( <pointer>, , 512 )
>>> NIL <<
> 20100514-09:29:41  :INETERRORCODE( <pointer> )
>>>          0 <<
> 20100514-09:29:42  :INETSENDALL( <pointer>, 6, QUIT<cr><lf> )
>>>          6 <<
> 20100514-09:29:42  :INETRECVLINE( <pointer>, , 512 )
>>> 220 mx.google.com ESMTP 21sm1329732yxe.15 <<

I DON'T UNDERSTAND why is the server replaying to your QUIT message
with a 220 !

I have some ideas to check but I need to install openssl....
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