Przemysław Czerpak wrote:
On Thu, 13 May 2010, CarozoDeQuilmes wrote:


Hi, I have an little question:
This translate:
#xtranslate<value1>.<value2>  =>  myFun(<value1>  ,<value2>  )
function main()
       aeval( aTmp , { |x| level1.level2 } )
return .T.
It will be generate the followed sentence:
function main()
aeval( aTmp , { myFun( |x| level1 , level2 ) } )
return .T.
I think that it is wrong
I think the correct translation should be:
function main()
aeval( aTmp , { |x| myFun( level1 , level2 ) } )
return .T.
Am I wrong?

Yes you are ;-)
You want that PP will respect some operator precedence which
is only in your head but PP does not even know anything about
operator precedence and syntax in Clipper/Harbour language.

Could you help me understand?

Why does value1 match "|x| level1", and not "level1" ?

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