12.05.2010 5:09, Mario H. Sabado написав(ла):
Hi Przemek,
I have encountered building latest Harbour SVN with the following
error. I'm using WinXP/BCC58.
bcc32.exe -I. -I../../../../../include -q -tWM -CP437 -w -Q -w-sig- -d
-ID:/harbour/external/pcre -DPCRE_STATIC -DHB_HAS_ZLIB
-ID:/harbour/external/zlib -I"C:\BCC58\BIN\..\Include" -DUNICODE
-ohbcom.obj -c ../../../hbcom.c
Error E2140 ../../../hbcom.c 1646: Declaration is not allowed here in
function hb_comSend
Error E2140 ../../../hbcom.c 1705: Declaration is not allowed here in
function hb_comRecv
*** 2 errors in Compile ***
win-make[3]: *** [hbcom.obj] Error 1
win-make[2]: *** [descend] Error 2
win-make[1]: *** [rtl.inst] Error 2
win-make: *** [src.inst] Error 2
Thanks and best regards,
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)
With mingw all ok.
C:\dev\harbour\bin\>harbour.exe -build
Harbour 2.1.0beta1 (Rev. 14463)
Copyright (c) 1999-2010, http://www.harbour-project.org/
Harbour Build Info
Version: Harbour 2.1.0beta1 (Rev. 14463)
Compiler: MinGW GNU C 3.4.5 (32-bit)
Platform: Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3
PCode version: 0.3
ChangeLog last entry: 2010-05-12 02:26 UTC+0200 Przemyslaw Czerpak
ChangeLog ID: ChangeLog 14463 2010-05-12 01:24:41Z vouchcac
Built on: May 12 2010 09:06:00
Build options: (Clipper 5.3b) (Clipper 5.x undoc)
Alexey Myronenko
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)