Hi, There is a bug after recent changes.
BTW, only these are the valid Harbour settings in you config, pls delete the rest to avoid confusion: > set HB_BUILD_DLL=yes > set HB_BUILD_IMPLIB=yes > set HB_CONTRIB_ADDONS=yes > set HB_BUILD_UNICODE=no > rem set HB_BUILD_UNICODE=yes > > set HB_WITH_PGSQL=C:\pgsql84\include > set HB_WITH_ADS=C:\ads81 > set HB_WITH_QT=C:\Qt\qt\include > set HB_WITH_FIREBIRD=C:\ARQUIV~1\Firebird\Firebird_2_1\include > set HB_WITH_FREEIMAGE=C:\FreeImg\3120\Dist Viktor _______________________________________________ Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB) Harbour@harbour-project.org http://lists.harbour-project.org/mailman/listinfo/harbour