Viktor, The project itself is quite small but it is (was) a working seed that could easily grow ("a big tree comes out of a small seed") :-)
Also I have similiar feelings about my FiveMac project, which it is much more evolved and actually offers a very good functionality. In fact we could take portions of FiveMac and port them to this iphone GUI lib for Harbour. I admit that my main bussiness comes from Windows, so both FiveMac and the iphone lib does not have any impact on my incomes, so I am not worried about releasing them with the hope that they may grow. Ok, now to the point: I keep SVN repositories for the iphone lib and for FiveMac. Where to take them ? Should they become part of Harbour contribs (I don't think so...) ? Would you be interested in admin them ? Thanks, Antonio _______________________________________________ Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)