
     + Implemented: line selection mode. Designated key is F11.
       It is still a work in progress but a working prototype is there and
       currently selection is available and paste behaves the standard way.

       Mindagaus, please explore as the artifacts are OK.

My name is Mindaugas.

The most strange behaviour is that block forget about its mode. I mean, line blocks usually are pasted as line blocks, stream blocks as stream block, and column blocks as column.

In current code paste depends on toolbar button, but not on the block creation mode.

This should be very easy to implement for copy block and move block operations. Since you do not need to copy block to clipboard at all. I do not know how this is solved in MultiEdit in case of clipboard copy-paste. Maybe ME saves block mode to some variable and uses SetClipboardData(, NULL), WM_RENDERFORMAL way to determine, if pasted block is copied to clipboard by itself.

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