On Mon, 03 May 2010, Alex Strickland wrote:


> When testing netio using netiotst.prg I inadvertently caused this
> error by editing the browse.
> Error DBFCDX/1022  Lock required══════════════════════════
> Called from FIELDPUT(0)
> Called from (b)FIELDBLOCK(0)
> Called from DOGET(0)
> Called from BROWSE(0)
> Called from TESTDB(129)
> Called from MAIN(60)

This is expected. The table is open in shared mode and BRWOSE()
just like in Clipper does not have any locking code.

> Error NETIO/1003  Read error: hb_stackInit (DOS Error 15)
> Error NETIO/1002  Write error: hb_stackInit (DOS Error 15)
> Error NETIO/1002  Write error: hb_stackInit (DOS Error 15)
> C:\Users\Alex\ECR7.0\tests\hbnetio\tests>
> Can someone tell me why does "hb_stackInit" appear in the NETIO
> messages? And why DOS Error 15 ("Invalid drive was specified")?

It's also expected.
In this case you have server and client code executed by the
same application in different threads. The main thread of this
application was terminated by above RT error. Because it was
the main thread then after terminate signal was send also to
all other threads and server was also terminated. Depending
on the order of task switching in your system it's possible
that thread with the server is finished earlier then clean up
code in threads with client code which is closing all used
workareas and it was happen in your case. It causes that the
client code generated above RT errors just after leaving all
your PRG functions - hb_stackInit is the 1-st function pushed
on HVM stack which is reported as execution context when no
other PRG code is evaluated.
When communication errors appears NETIO subsystem as OS error
codes uses HB_SOCKET_ERR_* values defined in hbsocket.ch and
15 means HB_SOCKET_ERR_CONNABORTED what is correct value which
well describes the reason of RTE.
So all is correct and reported as expected.

best regards,
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