Viktor Szakáts wrote:
> Hi All,
> Lately I mentioned having "random" GPFs with my live apps 
> since changing to Harbour r14336. I also mentioned they are 
> gone. This turned out not to be true, they are still present.
> ...
> Viktor

Hello all, not sure if this is related but I have been fighting with random
GPFs also.

-was gui gtwvt app, and app would just close with no error, sometimes
processing 1 iteration of an Import/Export process, sometimes crash after

-compiled as non gui without GTWVT, but still got crashes, but now got an
error message:
  "Unrecoverable error 9019: Stack underflow" and always on the same
Return() statement, sometimes on 1st iteration, usually on the second one,
but sometimes (rarely) 3rd or more.

-compiled with debugger, now get different error:
   Unrecoverable error 6005: Exception error:
    Exception Code:C0000005

    Exception Address:0041F2A3
    EAX:0000ABB4  EBX:0000000D  ECX:00000000  EDX:00000004
    ESI:00BC3874  EDI:00000000  EBP:00000001
    CS:EIP:001B:0041F2A3  SS:ESP:0023:0022F540
    DS:0023  ES:0023  FS:003B  GS:0000
    CS:EIP: 80 3B B4 0F 86 B4 00 00 00 C7 44 24 0C 00 00 00
    SS:ESP: 00C331D8 000003CF 00000000 00000000 00000000 0000000D 00C226B4
    7CC 00000002 00000001 00000001 0052C81A 00CAD7CC 00000002 00BC33DC

    C stack:
    EIP:     EBP:       Frame: OldEBP, RetAddr, Params...

I don't really understand what this means, my guess is some process appears
to be damaging the stack.
If this is not related to issue, any idea what I need to look at to resolve

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