I spoke too soon.
I now have HBIde referring to the MinGW and the HARBOUR underneath
The HBMK2.EXE under HMG is the same (I checked; it's byte or byte the
same) as that in HB20 so by "newer" it would seem that there's a yet
newer Harbour out there, other than what is touted on the
Harbour-Project.org website.
As you can see below "-width" is still the issue and that is asserted by
line 1185 in ideprojmanager.prg
aadd( aHbp, "-width=512" )
Granted I could comment that line out and rebuild HBIde. Or else there's
another solution.
Kind regards,
Project [ cargilltest ] Launch [ No ] Rebuild [ No ] Started [ 14:52:12 ]
Batch File Exists => C:\Users\Bruce\AppData\Local\Temp\onb4to.bat
Batch File Contents =>
set HB_COMPILER=mingw
set PATH=c:\hmg.3.0.30\harbour\bin;c:\hmg3.0.30\mingw\bin
c:\hmg.3.0.30\harbour/bin\hbmk2 C:\hbide\projects\cargilltest.hbp -q
-trace -info -lang=en -width=512
Command => C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe
Arguments => /C C:\Users\Bruce\AppData\Local\Temp\onb4to.bat
CurDir() => Users\Bruce\Desktop Starting in => C:\hbide\projects\
C:\hbide\projects>set HB_COMPILER=mingw
C:\hbide\projects>set PATH=c:\hmg.3.0.30\harbour\bin;c:\hmg3.0.30\mingw\bin
C:\hbide\projects\cargilltest.hbp -q -trace -info -lang=en -width=512
hbmk2: Processing environment options: -compiler=mingw
hbmk2: Autodetected platform: win
hbmk2: Using Harbour: c:\hmg.3.0.30\harbour\bin
c:\hmg.3.0.30\harbour\lib c:\hmg.3.0.30\harbour\lib
hbmk2: Processing configuration: c:\hmg.3.0.30\harbour\bin\hbmk.cfg
hbmk2: Harbour compiler command (embedded):
(c:\hmg.3.0.30\harbour\bin\harbour.exe) -n2
p:/other/cargillchemist/test.prg -w3 -gc3 -q -width=512
Error F0034 Bad command line option 'width=512'
hbmk2: Error: Running Harbour compiler (embedded). 1
(c:\hmg.3.0.30\harbour\bin\harbour.exe) -n2
p:/other/cargillchemist/test.prg -w3 -gc3 -q -width=512
Exit Code [ 6 ] Exit Status [ 0 ] Finished at [ 14:52:12 ] Done in [
0.13 Secs ]
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