On Thu, 22 Apr 2010, Pritpal Bedi wrote:


> I am helpless that I cannot create a self-reduced sample.
> What I did, just created the standard methods instead of 
> calling INLINE and everything went fine.
> I am not sure if changing the method calling convension 
> has anything to do with OLE object.

It has nothing to anything. It works just like standard methods
though it's a less efficient due to one additional function stack
frame which is created during execution of inline methods so
the memory alignment is a little bit different and it can interact
with some buggy code which access non initialized memory or use
wrong pointers or even keep some indirect references to function
methods in C structures.

> For now my problem is over and in future I will always 
> take care that INLINE instance variable access/assign 
> should never peep into my programs. Just to remmeber, 
> I re-mention that the same code worked absolutely OK 
> before 15 Mar and this code has nothing to do with OLE 
> changes in GTWVG. I am using my local implementaion 
> of ActiveX code because of one nasty active-x ( VisiLabel )
> which is not standradized OLE.

The fact that in the past some code was executed without GPF does
not mean that it was ever correct.
In this particular case GTWVG ActiveX code is still not production
ready. As I can some things have been fixed by coping some parts of
contrib/hbwin/axcore.c to contrib/gtwvg/wvgsink.c but still some
other are not resolved, i.e. WVG_AXSETUPCONNECTIONPOINT() allocates
memory for OLE objects and this memory is never released and the
code which should do that is commented, probably due to GPFs.
I do not see any code which increase reference counter before
returning the pointer to PRG code so such GPF is expected behavior
inside WVG_AXSHUTDOWNCONNECTIONPOINT(). And as far as I know this
code existed here for very long time.

Of course it's probably not the reason of your problems but it shows
that this code is not such perfect as you suggested.

> There is one pending issue of similar nature which Shum posted 
> some days back. If will be kind if you look into that issue.
> It pertains to object instance access/assign from within
> exe to an object created in a Harbour compiled .dll.
> Shum, can you show that code again ?

I've seen this message and I haven't found anything what suggested
any problems in core code but maybe you see sth what I'm missing
so please be so kind and tell me what I should check or better
please create self contain as small as possible example which we
can compile and test ourselves.

best regards,
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