There are a couple of "semi-standard" way of installing packages in unix

a) tar + manual modification
b) self-executable

a) tar
it's just like a zip, you untar (unzip) it from a specific location
and then set some variables (PATH, ld.conf (pointing to libraries) etc

b) self-executable shell script
There is a "feature" of the shell script that allows you to write a
file from the program, something like this:
echo > filetowrite << ENDOFTEXT
This script will create file filetowrite with text enclosed by
ENDOFTEXT.... In this way you can embed multiple files in one.
The program will also set PATH, add library directory and so on... but
it must do so based on the unix/linux distribution...

HP-UX has a method
Solaris has a method (pkgadd)

Suse and others have rpm
others use apt-get

In order to not have problems a static version is the way to go....

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