On 13/04/10 11:05, Viktor Szakáts wrote:
Of course nobody has to believe me, but probably
the most convenient solution is to launch target
using 'hbmk2 -hbrun my.hbp' (for standalone launch)
or additional '-run' option (for build and launch operation).

This way there is no need to detect target
executable name and everything is handled by hbmk2,
where launching already works (or if there is
any problem, we can fix it at one place).


If I run from command line :-

[...@jackodesktop hash]$ hbmk2 ash.hbp -run

then ash is built and runs, but it is in a terminal window labelled "hash:hbmk2"

If I kill the hbmk2 process then the running ash process drops to a prompt, with ./ash still taking 25% cpu and showtime() still running, displaying the time (as it does in ash).

It's the same with:
[...@jackodesktop hash]$ hbmk2 ash.hbp -hbrun

The launched process still depends on hbmk2.
Is there a way to launch a new terminal window and run the process in that, so the launched app is truly independant ?

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