Hi Teo, 
thanks for caring about my doubts, but I think I am not understood 
very well.
See the following example (trivial).
Sorry for my poor English.
Thank in avance,
Claudio Soto.

Function Main
  ? RET_CONT ()
  // other lines of code
  RELEASE_ARRAY_DATOS () // <===== before the program ends I have 
necessarily to call RELEASE_ARRAY_DATOS ????
                                              // or HARBOUR 
automatically released pArray at the end of the 


#pragma begindump

#include "hbapi.h"
#include "hbapiitm.h"

 BOOL flag = FALSE;
 PHB_ITEM pArray;
 int cont = 0;
   if (flag == FALSE)
   {   flag = TRUE;
       cont = 0;       
       pArray   = hb_itemNew (NULL);               
       hb_arrayNew (pArray, 3);
   hb_arraySetL (pArray,  1, hb_parl  (1));
   hb_arraySetL (pArray,  2, hb_parl  (2));
   hb_arraySetL (pArray,  3, hb_parl  (3));

BOOL CheckArray (int i)
{    if (flag == FALSE)
         return FALSE;
     switch (i)
            case 1:
                  return hb_arrayGetL(pArray, 1);
            case 2: 
                  return hb_arrayGetL(pArray, 2);
            case 3:
                  return hb_arrayGetL(pArray, 3);
                  return FALSE;
 return FALSE;  

// other functions in pure C (not HB_FUNC functions) that process 
pArray, for example:

int set_cont ()
   cont = 0;
   if (CheckArray (1) == TRUE)
   if (CheckArray (2) == TRUE)
   if (CheckArray (3) == TRUE)
   return cont; 

{  hb_retni (set_cont ());

    if (flag == TRUE)
    {   hb_itemRelease (pArray);       
        flag = FALSE;
        cont = 0;

#pragma enddump

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Teo Fonrouge 
To: sr...@adinet.com.uy ; Harbour Project Main Developer List. 
Sent: Monday, April 12, 2010 11:47 AM
Subject: Re: [Harbour] I have a problem with hb_arrayNew ()

Hello Claudio,

On Apr 12, 2010, at 9:03 AM, sr...@adinet.com.uy wrote:

Hi all,

I have a doubt with the function hb_arrayNew 
When I create an array in C:

#pragma begindump
#include "hbapi.h"
#include "hbapiitm.h"

HB_FUNC (MyFunc)

pArray = hb_itemNew (NULL);
hb_arrayNew (pArray, size);


before the program ends I have necessarily to call:

( i guess that you mean "the function" instead of "the program" )

hb_itemRelease (pArray);

to free the memory allocated? 


or HARBOUR releases automatically?

No, even MyFunc() needs to return the new array
it needs to be released:

PHB_ITEM pArray = hb_itemNew( NULL );

<your operations with pArray here>

hb_itemReturnRelease( pArray );

Please read the following link, even it's based on Clipper 5.2
it perfectly applies to current Harbour too.

Also please note that you need to use uppercase on the
function name ( "MyFunc" is wrong ).

best regards,


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