Hello Viktor,

On Apr 11, 2010, at 11:16 AM, Viktor Szakáts wrote:

>> Seems that "rc.exe" hasn't a "-nologo" parameter.
> It has, in MSVS 2010.
>> Can I safely remove that in the "config/win/msvc.mk" file at SVN ?
> There is a better solution: See my just sent e-mail.

I just did, and I'm a little confused here:

I have (in the same Windows machine) several C/C++ compilers:

- MSVC ( 8 & 9 versions )
- MinGW
- OpenWatcom

If I remove the HB_COMPILER option then the build process at
Harbour detects the compiler as MinGW.

So in my case, I have to manually set  the HB_COMPILER option.

The file at "config/win/msvc.mk" says:

ifeq ($(filter $(HB_COMPILER_VER),600 700 710 800 900),)
   RCFLAGS += -nologo

So, what value I have to give to HB_COMPILER_VER to
do not execute the "RCFLAGS += -nologo" ?

best regards,


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