Hi! I installed Harbour on my Ubuntu 9.10 64-bit. I followed the instructions http://www.elart.it/links/harbourhowto_deb_en.php
Everything was going well, except installation of hbide. I typed cd $HOME/src/contrib/hbide bud the directory did not exist. Then I realized that there is a directory $HOME/src/harbour/contrib/hbide I typed cd $HOME/src/harbour/contrib/hbide and then hbmk2 hbide.hbp -rebuild but I have got an error message: hbmk2: Processing configuration: /usr/bin/hbmk.cfg hbmk2: Compiling Harbour sources... Harbour 2.1.0dev (Rev. 14313) Copyright (c) 1999-2010, http://www.harbour-project.org/ Compiling 'hbide.prg'... Lines 6501, Functions/Procedures 27 Generating C source output to '.hbmk/linux/gcc/hbide.c'... Done. Compiling 'ideobject.prg'... ideobject.prg(233) Warning W0001 Ambiguous reference 'HB_TR_ALWAYS' ideobject.prg(246) Warning W0001 Ambiguous reference 'HB_TR_ALWAYS' No code generated. hbmk2: Error: Running Harbour compiler (embedded). 1 (/usr/bin/harbour) -n2 hbide.prg ideobject.prg idestylesheets.prg idetags.prg idemisc.prg ideactions.prg ideeditor.prg idefindreplace.prg idedocks.prg idesaveload.prg iderequests.prg idethemes.prg ideprojmanager.prg idesources.prg ideharbourhelp.prg ideenviron.prg idehome.prg idefunctions.prg idedocwriter.prg ideskeletons.prg idewizard.prg idetools.prg ideshortcuts.prg -w3 -es2 -gc3 -o.hbmk/linux/gcc/ -i/usr/include/harbour -i../hbxbp -i../hbqt Then I tried ./hbide but the file did not exist. Does anybody have any suggestions how to install hbide? Thanks in advance for your help. Regards, Andriy __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Sie sind Spam leid? Yahoo! Mail verfügt über einen herausragenden Schutz gegen Massenmails. http://mail.yahoo.com
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