Massimo Belgrano wrote:
> will be possible thing like follow?
> |cTopic|
> IF( Empty( cTopic := ::GetText() ), cTopic := ::GetWord(.F.) ),
> HtmlHelpTopic( ::hWnd, "C:\xHB\Doc\xHarbour Language Reference Guide.chm",
> cTopic )

It is possible, and with the current version you have.

1. Activate "Tools & Utilities" Dialog
2 Enter name : Chm Help with Chapter and Anchor
           Command Line : hh.exe
           Parameters: d:/hbide/hbide.chm::introduction.htm#mytest
3. <Add>, select and execute.

It does exactly what you want.
Now, how to invoke from within editor ( to be implemented ) :
   In the "Shortcuts" define one as

IF( Empty( cTopic := ::GetText() ), cTopic := ::GetWord(.F.) ),
::exeTool( "hh.exe", "C:\xHB\Doc\xHarbour Language Reference Guide.chm" +
"::" + cTopic )

and it will execute. 

Just tested through "Tools & Utilities" interface and it works.


     enjoy hbIDEing...
        Pritpal Bedi
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