Hi All, I try to test dBUseArea() with DBFCDX RDD and SQLMIX RDD ... Since I cannot test the test2.prg under \hb20\contrib\rddsql\sddodbc\tests I modify test2.prg into tstmysql.prg as follow: However the line: ? dBUseArea( .T., "sqlmix", "SELECT * FROM country", "country", .T., .F.) with error comes out : http://www.mingyik.com/dnload/tstodbc10.jpg http://www.mingyik.com/dnload/tstodbc20.jpg
/* * $Id$ */ #include "simpleio.ch" #include "hbrddsql.ch" REQUEST SQLMIX, SDDODBC, DBFCDX PROC main() LOCAL nConnection, nI, aI local aStruct := { { "CHARACTER", "C", 25, 0 }, ; { "NUMERIC", "N", 8, 0 }, ; { "DOUBLE", "N", 8, 2 }, ; { "DATE", "D", 8, 0 }, ; { "LOGICAL", "L", 1, 0 } } RDDSETDEFAULT( "SQLMIX" ) SET( _SET_DATEFORMAT, "yyyy-mm-dd" ) // nConnection := RDDINFO( RDDI_CONNECT, { "ODBC", "Server=localhost;Driver={MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver};dsn=;User=test;database=test;" } ) nConnection := RDDINFO( RDDI_CONNECT, { "ODBC", "dsn=testmysql;" } ) IF nConnection == 0 ? "Unable connect to server", RDDINFO( RDDI_ERRORNO ), RDDINFO( RDDI_ERROR ) RETURN ENDIF ? "Database Connection: "+ LTrim(Str(nConnection)) + " OK with dsn=testmysql;" ? RDDINFO(RDDI_EXECUTE, "DROP TABLE country") ? RDDINFO(RDDI_EXECUTE, "CREATE TABLE country (CODE char(3), NAME char(50), RESIDENTS int(11))") ? RDDINFO(RDDI_EXECUTE, "INSERT INTO country values ('LTU', 'Lithuania', 3369600),('USA', 'United States of America', 305397000), ('POR', 'Portugal', 10617600), ('POL', 'Poland', 38115967), ('AUS', 'Australia', 21446187), ('FRA', 'France', 64473140), ('RUS', 'Russia', 141900000)") ? dBUseArea( .T., "sqlmix", "SELECT * FROM country", "country", .T., .F.) ? "Rdd: SQLMIX Alias: " +Alias()+ " BOF() is "+ IIF(Bof()," TRUE", "FALSE") dBCreate( "testdbf", aStruct, "DBFCDX" ) dBUseArea( .T., "dbfcdx", "testdbf.dbf", "TESTALS", .T., .F. ) ? "Rdd: DBFCDX Alias: " +Alias()+ " BOF() is "+ IIF(Bof()," TRUE", "FALSE") DBCLOSEALL() RETURN Shum -- View this message in context: http://n2.nabble.com/Error-with-ODBC-under-rddsql-sddodbc-tp4852373p4852373.html Sent from the harbour-devel mailing list archive at Nabble.com. _______________________________________________ Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB) Harbour@harbour-project.org http://lists.harbour-project.org/mailman/listinfo/harbour