El 01/04/2010 19:26, Viktor Szakáts escribió:
BTW there were a lot of screen painting irregularities without
WS_EX_LAYERED, when the window was behind another
window and foremost window was moved. It also fixes painting
issue when app is doing a loop, or otherwise unresponsive.
Thanks but this is under control.
Remember that GTWVT is a pure Windows GUI and it need to process messages to refresh the screen. It does this with the outputs
to screen and inputs from keyboard. In typical code like loops with pure RDDs you can force this with SetPos .-
nCursor := SetCursor( 0 )
SetPos( 0, 0 )
SetCursor( nCursor )
Of course it supports many optimizations.
if( ++n % 10000 == 0 ); SetPos( 0, 0 ); endif
Best regards,
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