Hello Viktor, thanks for the help.
But that was not enough. This option (hbmk2-mkimplib) generated only one copy 
of the DLL (hbmk2-mkimplib = libmysql.a libmysql.dll).
I decided to set the functions manually.
eg: mysql_init to mysql_init @ 4. . .
So the problem is resolved.
Yes, looks that sometimes copying *.dll to lib*.a is not
adequate for mingw. Too bad, but I don't know a good
universal solution to cover this case. If someone suggests
one, I can replace current method with it in hbmk2.

[ anyhow even this is sad, because direct .dll input is
the most effective, as far as I know. ]
A universal solution to attach the tool hbmk2 would be a great idea.
Even the tools (dlltool and pexports) generate the results I got and not solved.
I actually had to write the function header.

Best regards,
Joel Bernardes

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