David Arturo Macias Corona wrote:
> Tests with Harbour fresh checkout:
>   * $Id: ChangeLog 14189 2010-03-19 13:11:59Z vszakats $
>   2010-03-19 14:04 UTC+0100 Viktor Szakats (harbour.01 syenar.hu)
> os2qt development has moved to Qt462
> Current tests with os2qt462 r701
> so we have a newer Harbour and newer os2Qt462
Thanks for your constant efforts, someday we will reach a solution, for

> With our 4 specific error cases
> - one has been fixed (a)
> - one changed behaviour (c)
> - two remain with same behaviour (b, d)
> a) demoqt.prg
>         PMMERGE 3:0007f6f8
>   Fixed
>   For first time in history I see demoqt.exe running on OS/2

All the good.

> b) demoqt.prg, MsgInfo( "Testing" ) added
>   Case: Object destruction
>         LIBC063 0:000669ca
>   Remain
>   Question: Is this a common problem in hbqt in rest of platforms, or
> exist only in OS/2 ?

This is the behavior of GC and Qt's destruction mechanism, see below.

> c) hbide project
>   Case: hbide crash at startup
>         LIBC063 0:000669ca
>   Changed behaviour
> In current behaviour, show logo and never build window, then crash

Probably fixed in r14198, please test.
It is again a "destruction of object" issue.

> d) demoxbp.prg
>         LIBC063 0:000669ca
>   Remain
> Called from QPIXMAP:SCALED(0) in ../../../TQPixmap.prg

This is bug in OS Qt in QPixmap() class.
Tell Dmitry specifically pointing to this issue only.

> Regarding the object destruction in Qt. I don't know if this is relevant
> or not,
> but Qt uses a lot of global and local static objects (in terms of C++)
> that get
> automatically constructed at program startup and destroyed at
> termination. In
> C++, the order in which these objects are constructed and destructed, is
> not
> guaranteed. I found one bug related to this issue in Qt itself (see r599
> in the
> SVN) but there may be more.

The above reply portrays the snapshot of our GC way of destruction
and how Qt handles them, all timing problem.  This is one factor I always
struggle about. If we do away with GC pointers, everything goes OK
but then application keeps on eating memory unless we reuse 
the objects, that was the case with first few months of development.

I am writing an artical on Harbour-Qt implementation focusing 
on object creation and destruction mechanism. Once that is in place,
we can request netlabs to look into it deeply and suggest us 
what should be our strategy.

Thank you for constant efforts.

                 enjoy hbIDEing...
                    Pritpal Bedi 
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