> I have set my browser homepage to the Harbour Project a month or two ago, and 
> I have been thinking about it's MySQL support as well as seeing some commit 
> logs by Viktor.  I was wondering, when Harbour says it has SQL support and 
> etc, modern technologies, I was wondering if the include libs allowed MySQL 
> control using an abstraction layer via the regular Clipper database 
> navigation commands... or one had to write queries in SQL.

In my "standard" the SQL claim on our homepage is not 
fully justified (XML can also be disputed).

"SQL" as such doesn't exist, and especially not as 
locally implemented feature in Harbour. What Harbour 
has is interfaces to known clients, with various 
level of support.

PGSQL - rddsql, bindings, wrapper class, limited rdd on top of wrapper class 
MYSQL - rddsql, bindings, wrapper class
SQLITE3 - rddsql, bindings
ORACLE - rddsql (via ocilib)
ODBC - rddsql, bindings, wrapper class
ADO - broken rdd using OLE interface

> PS:  There is a typo on the main site... the word technologies is missing the 
> 'h'.

I hope Vailton sees this and can fix it. Thx.


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