
I do not know where to experiment:
  "qMsgBox := QMessageBox():new( qMainWindow )"

In demoqt.prg after main()

  MsgInfo( "Testing" )

Using in demoqt.prg
HB_TRACE( HB_TR_ALWAYS, ( "-----------------b-----------------" ) )

MsgInfo( "Testing" )

   FOR i := 1 TO 1
      oWnd := QMainWindow():new()

running demoqt.exe it show message window and crash after pressing OK
button with output:

demoqt.prg:127:MAIN(): HB_TR_ALWAYS
demoqt.prg:128:MAIN(): HB_TR_ALWAYS -----------------b-----------------

Exception c0000005 at address 0x1de369ca

    Exception Code:C0000005
    Exception Address:1DE369CA
    EAX:00000001  EBX:02905FCC  ECX:02905FD4  EDX:00000001
    ESI:00000000  EDI:00000000  EBP:002FFB68
    CS:EIP:005B:1DE369CA  SS:ESP:0053:002FFB50
    DS:0053  ES:0053  FS:150B  GS:0000
Called from MSGINFO(604) in demoqt.prg
Called from MAIN(131) in demoqt.prg

Killed by SIGSEGV
pid=0x005f ppid=0x0041 tid=0x0001 slot=0x00ae pri=0x0200 mc=0x0001
LIBC063 0:000669ca
cs:eip=005b:1de369ca      ss:esp=0053:002ffb50      ebp=002ffb68
 ds=0053      es=0053      fs=150b      gs=0000     efl=00010246
eax=00000001 ebx=02905fcc ecx=02905fd4 edx=00000001 edi=00000000
Process dumping was disabled, use DUMPPROC / PROCDUMP to enable it.

Current code is:

[596] STATIC FUNCTION MsgInfo( cMsg )

   oMB := QMessageBox():new()
   oMB:setInformativeText( cMsg )
   oMB:setWindowTitle( "Harbour-QT" )

[604]   oMB := NIL
   HB_GCALL( .T.)

[607]   RETURN nil

so line 604 is:
   oMB := NIL

//DAVID:   oMB := NIL

crash again after OK button but now in line 607 which is:
   RETURN nil

with output:

demoqt.prg:127:MAIN(): HB_TR_ALWAYS
demoqt.prg:128:MAIN(): HB_TR_ALWAYS -----------------b-----------------

Exception c0000005 at address 0x1de369ca

    Exception Code:C0000005
    Exception Address:1DE369CA
    EAX:00000001  EBX:02905FCC  ECX:02905FD4  EDX:00000001
    ESI:00000000  EDI:00000000  EBP:002FFC88
    CS:EIP:005B:1DE369CA  SS:ESP:0053:002FFC70
    DS:0053  ES:0053  FS:150B  GS:0000
Called from MSGINFO(607) in demoqt.prg
Called from MAIN(131) in demoqt.prg

Killed by SIGSEGV
pid=0x007c ppid=0x0041 tid=0x0001 slot=0x00ae pri=0x0200 mc=0x0001
LIBC063 0:000669ca
cs:eip=005b:1de369ca      ss:esp=0053:002ffc70      ebp=002ffc88
 ds=0053      es=0053      fs=150b      gs=0000     efl=00010246
eax=00000001 ebx=02905fcc ecx=02905fd4 edx=00000001 edi=00000000
Process dumping was disabled, use DUMPPROC / PROCDUMP to enable it.

so in this test both crashes are within MsgInfo() function trying to
clean/discard oMB object

Did you checked "OS/2: Harbour 14019" message ?

David Macias

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