
We have discovered the following incompatibility:


@ 3,0 get  x picture "Y"

The Picture command is used to format the screen display as well as put
control on what the field will accept. In the case of picture "Y", it forces
the user to enter either Y (Yes) or N (No).  However.... x will always be
returned in uppercase in Clipper but Harbour returns the case that the user
entered into the field

I have tons of places where I check the value of the field to be either Y or
N and did not have to test for y or n because it was impossible to assign a
lowercase value. We have 120 occurrences of picture "Y" and I will have to
change them all to picture "@!Y"

Should I go ahead with the changes, or is this is a valid incompatibility

Thank you

smu johnson <smujohn...@gmail.com>
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