Hi, With this sample:
[CODE] #include "minigui.ch" #include "hbclass.ch" #include "i_winuser.ch" static oMSCAL function main DEFINE WINDOW oMainWindow ; AT 0,0 WIDTH GetDesktopWidth() HEIGHT GetDesktopHeight()-30 ; TITLE "" ; FONT "Ms Sans Serif" SIZE 9 ; MAIN NOSIZE DEFINE MAIN MENU OF oMainWindow define popup "ACTIVEX" MENUITEM "Conectar" ACTION { || oMSCAL := TxActivex():New( "oMainWindow", "GrFingerX.GrFingerXCtrl", 0, 0, 300, 300 ) } SEPARATOR MENUITEM "E&xit" ACTION ThisWindow.release end popup END MENU END WINDOW ACTIVATE WINDOW oMainWindow return nil CLASS TxActivex CLASS VAR winclass INIT "ACTIVEX" DATA oOLE INIT nil DATA hWnd INIT nil METHOD New METHOD Event METHOD Destroy ERROR HANDLER OnError ENDCLASS METHOD New( cWnd, cProgId, nTop, nLeft, nWidth, nHeight, cID ) CLASS TxActivex local nStyle nStyle := WS_CHILD + WS_VISIBLE + WS_CLIPCHILDREN WIN_AxInit() ::hWnd := WAPI_CreateWindowEX( 0, "AtlAxWin", cProgId, nStyle, nLeft, nTop,nWidth, nHeight, WIN_N2P( getformhandle( cWnd ) ), 0 ) ::oOLE := WIN_AxGetControl( ::hWnd, { | event, ... | ::Event( event, ... ) }, cID ) return self METHOD Event( ... ) CLASS TxActivex local cEvents := "" local aEvents := { ... } local nHandle aEval(aEvents, { | xEvent | cEvents += HB_ValToStr( xEvent ) + ", " } ) if !file( "Event.Log" ) nHandle := fcreate( "Event.Log" ) else nHandle := fopen( "Event.Log", 1 ) fseek( nHandle, 0, 2 ) endif fwrite( nHandle, cEvents + chr( 13 ) + chr( 10 ) ) fclose( nHandle ) return nil METHOD Destroy() CLASS TxActivex MsgInfo( "Bye" ) DestroyWindow( WIN_P2N( ::hWnd ) ) ::hWnd := nil return nil METHOD OnError() CLASS TxActivex return HB_ExecFromArray( ::oOLE, __GetMessage(), HB_AParams() ) [ENDCODE] ...I see this error: [ERROR] Error WINOLE/1014 Failed to obtain connection point: __AXREGISTERHANDLER (DOS Error -2147220992) Called from __AXREGISTERHANDLER(0) Called from WIN_AXGETCONTROL(0) Called from TXACTIVEX:NEW(50) Called from (b)MAIN(19) Called from _DOCONTROLEVENTPROCEDURE(1612) Called from EVENTS(1361) Called from _DOMESSAGELOOP(0) Called from _ACTIVATEWINDOW(1340) Called from MAIN(29) [ENDERROR] What might be causing this error ? Regards, Rossine. -- View this message in context: http://old.nabble.com/Error-with-activex-tp27722533p27722533.html Sent from the Harbour - Dev mailing list archive at Nabble.com. _______________________________________________ Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB) Harbour@harbour-project.org http://lists.harbour-project.org/mailman/listinfo/harbour