Horodyski Marek (PZUZ) wrote:
I use Harbour 2.0.0beta3 (Rev. 12489) on WinXP SP3 and both ODBC client
(Oracle and Microsoft).
I could not use the current version, as I have in the GPF.
How this can somehow improve in the sqlrdd?

Hm, mostly I have in harbor\odbc zero when count(*) or sum( ...) are in
the query.
In sql tools (toad, sql developer etc.) I see correctly value.
The problem of care for converting query (numeric fields) into the text
- but it's only a workaround, and this should fix it somehow.

Hi, Marek,

for sure I can help you but I need a self contained sample that does not require installation of servers I do not have. Can you made a sample like contrib/rddsql/sddodbc/test/test1.prg and attach .mdb file if it is a problem Microsoft DB?

If I do not have self contained sample I need a precise debug info about field types and other field parameters both in SQL language and ODBC API presentation.

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