I don't know if it's technically possible, but maybe 
a new kind of string marker would be the best solution 
to cover this case without adding build/compile time 
knobs, plus it could also cover #pragma __cstream, 
which looks VERY hacky, too.

cString := t"My long text
  which spans, 
  multiple lines"

cString := t'My long text 
  which contains "" chars, 
  without problem'

('t' prefix is tentative, can be anything, which we think fit)

Is this feasible?


On 2010 Feb 24, at 21:03, Lorenzo Fiorini wrote:

> On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 8:10 PM, Viktor Szakáts
>> It would be good to hear from you (as the only known
>> user of this feature) what is the benefit of using it,
>> f.e. over #pragma __cstream. Maybe there exists better
>> solution to keep support for it, than build-time or
>> compile-time switch.
> For me it is not a compatibility issue but an absolute requirement.
> All my code counts on it and will ever do. It would be completely
> INSANE to write sql statements without HB_PP_MULTILINE.
> This is a small example:
> ...
> cSql := "select ( select substr( crectab, 1, 20 ) as crectab ;
>                        from tabtab where ctiptab = '" + ID_TAB_AGENTI + "' ;
>                         and ckeytab = ccodage order by 1 ) as cdesage, ;
>                         sum( case when ( select substr( crectab, 35,
> 1 ) from tabtab ;
>                                            where ctiptab = '" +
> ID_TAB_CODDSP + "' and ckeytab = ccoddsp ) = '' or ;
>                                        ( select substr( crectab, 35,
> 1 ) from tabtab ;
>                                            where ctiptab = '" +
> ID_TAB_CODDSP + "' and ckeytab = ccoddsp ) is null ;
>                                   then nimpdsp ;
>                                   else 0 end) as ntotfat0, ;
>                         sum( case when ( select substr( crectab, 35,
> 1 ) from tabtab ;
>                                            where ctiptab = '" +
> ID_TAB_CODDSP + "' and ckeytab = ccoddsp ) = '1' ;
>                                   then nimpdsp ;
>                                   else 0 end) as ntotfat1,
> sum(nimpdsp) as ntotdsp,;
>                         " + cSql + " from tabtotdsp ;
>                        left join tabtab on tabtab.ctiptab= '" +
> ID_TAB_CODDSP + "' and ccoddsp=tabtab.ckeytab ;
>                         where canndoc = '" + cAnnDsp + "'"
> ...
> best regards,
> Lorenzo
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