Imo is right the idea having one exe
Hbide is Good for read and modify  all harbour source and read and modify
also Documentation

If you read source you can start documenting, and updating source
When you modify documentation you require also search find in file in
c\harbour  and subdir and also you need basic editing capability

I Think with future/possible a svn integration (like visual studio) we can
easy upload harbour modification or modification to documentation
Maj be that you think that is not same windows to be clear, docking windows
require also same idea to be productive, first time i think that must
be only two, when you open one automatically close another...
How manage Multiple important activity opened ?
Think that the problem is Have different size

2010/2/22 Vailton Renato <>

> Pritpal, your work is excellent! But it would be the case for this
> doc/writer feature being mounted on an application separately? I think
> the tool is very good, but would be much better if we could work with
> a maximized window and a toolbar specifically for this application ...
> I've been thinking and I think it would be much better, more
> productive (and less confusing) to separate it into two separate
> applications... least because they have different objectives. What do
> you think?
> Again congratulations,
> Vailton Renato
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