On Fri, 19 Feb 2010, Giancarlo Niccolai wrote:

Hi Giancarlo,

Nice to see your message here.
My best wishes to you.

> Maurilio Longo wrote:
> >Thanks guys,
> >and, there's no way to list interface addresses in a portable way, is there?
> >Right now I'm using a  hb_InetGetHosts( NetName() ), but I'm not sure it's 
> >the
> >best way to go.
> >Maurilio.
> AFAIK, it's the nearest thing to an official and portable procedure
> that has been invented for that purpose. I was a bit puzzled too
> when I was searching for the official way to get your interface
> addresses, and I found that this was the way...

So probably the code I have cannot be ported to windows.
But maybe it's possible to create windows only code with
the same functionality. Let's see.

best regards,
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