In harbour user group we have an interesting event  relating to
harbour doc Daniel Gonçalves have give his availability for give us a
path for Having Documentation
so now i suggest a common way between way of Daniel Gonçalves and
Vailton renato (that is very good,compliment)
i give also my aivability to translate in italian (is the only thing
tha i able to do with good result)

2010/2/17 Viktor Szakáts <>
> Hi,
> >> What do you think?
> >>
> >> Regards,
> >> Vailton Renato
> >
> > Nice !
> > Two questions comes to mind...
> >
> > 2) What would be the methodology to update harbour/doc files in a 
> > collaborative way ?
> They should be committed to SVN just like code changes.
> Either directly by authors (if they have R/W access) or
> by someone who aggregates the work of certain authors.
> If there is any volunteer for this aggregation task we
> can grant R/W access, if other admins also agree.
> If this is to cumbersome for a start, we may simply gather
> .txt files somewhere, and commit them from time to time
> to SVN.
> > I've done a searh for hb_ functions only on harbour tree and I got 888 
> > ocurrences. And we are talking about harbour extensions alone.
> > So there must be a way to divide tasks among many volunteers and a 
> > DocMaster reviewing and aproving submitted documents.
> > This DocMaster need not only excelent English languaje skills but also deep 
> > knowledge of Harbour internals and some ability to read C code.
> Since we don't appear to have a Doc Master at the moment,
> and I wouldn't really block any documentation effort by
> looking for one, I think the process just has to be
> started. "Who starts with which section?" is enough to
> decide at this point.
> As for a (non-visual!) "style" guideline for the docs,
> I think it's just perfect if we follow the path of
> Hannes Ziegler with xhb and Xbase++ docs.
> my 2 cents, that is.
> Brgds,
> Viktor

Massimo Belgrano
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