Hi Przemek,

Thank you.

I still can't see how exactly, but I hope we 
can make this process smoother in the future.
For sure hbstatic is a good step, after that 
we can see the next.


On 2010 Feb 16, at 15:16, Przemysław Czerpak wrote:

> On Tue, 16 Feb 2010, Szak�ts Viktor wrote:
> Hi,
>> I'm trying to create -hbdyn pcode .dll, but since we've decided 
>> to disable Harbour libs in this case, I'm getting failure:
>> ---
>> undefined reference to `hb_vmExecute'
>> undefined reference to `hb_vmProcessSymbols'
>> undefined reference to `HB_FUN_QOUT'
>> ---
> And it's correct behavior. Such PCODE dll can be linked with:
> 1. harbour shared library (harbour*.dll) and in such case it's enough
>   to use -shared hbmk2 parameter.
> 2. hbmaindll library and in such case all external functions inside
>   PRG code should be declared as DYNAMIC to not create any hardcoded
>   references to them, i.e.:
>      /*** dllcode.prg ***/
>      proc MY_PROC()
>         ? PROCNAME() + ": hello !!!"
>      return
>      init proc start
>         ? "INIT PROC", PROCNAME()
>      return
>      exit proc end
>         ? "EXIT PROC", PROCNAME()
>      return
>   See my last message about creating DLLs and code to automatically
>   generate files with DYNAMIC declarations for all functions linked
>   with the main executable part of application.
>   I haven't added 'hbstatic' library yet we were talking about so
>   you have to link main part of application dynamically or build
>   harbour with HB_DYNLIB macro or add this code:
>      #pragma begindump
>      #include "hbapi.h"
>      HB_EXPORT_ATTR PHB_FUNC dll_hb_vmProcAddress( const char * szFuncName )
>      {
>         return hb_vmProcAddress( szFuncName );
>      }
>   to one of .prg files linked with main static part of application.
> 3. with import library created for the main executable part of application
>   when it was linked using -implib hbmk2 switch.
>   To create such import library you have to compile Harbour with
>   HB_DYNLIB macro or if you are using MinGW then you can use
>   --export-all-symbols LD switch, i.e.:
>      hbmk2 -implib -ldflag=-Wl,--export-all-symbols ...
> You cannot link such PCODE DLL with Harbour static libraries.
> Technically it's possible and you will not have any link time
> errors when you add -nohblib- switch but you will create broken
> binaries because your DLL and you static part of application will
> use their own independent HVM implementations.
> The only one situation when such DLL linked with Harbour static
> libraries is usable is when programmer wants to create self contain
> DLL which will be used by non Harbour applications.
>> If I add -lhbmaindllp manually, I'm stil getting
>> ---
>> undefined reference to `HB_FUN_QOUT'
>> ---
>> What am I missing?
> See above.
> best regards,
> Przemek
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