>It's also possible they parse the disk option file,
>convert it to string and pass it as plain command-line
>(with 32KB limit) to subprocess.
>While disk option files are not _only_ meant to get
>around cmdline length limitations, but this is one
>of their primary functions, so IMO this is a bug in
>OS/2 GCC implementation and should be reported and
>fixed. Otherwise it defeats the purpose of disk option
>file almost completely.
We know we are in same state as months ago and with Harbour grow "the
future catched us"
I send a public request to some well-known people in OS/2 world
The first response few minutes later is from Knut St. Osmundsen
("bird"), the "brain" in Netlabs os2gcc development years ago ( gcc335
age ) and now "brain" of Sun VirtualBox too
Message is included below and is very clear
I hope Paul Smedley can trace this case and based in Knut proposal then
implement some solution
David Macias
David Arturo Macias Corona wrote:
> Hi All:
> As I do not know who/where can help us I send this message to all of you
> with hope of a solution
> Please review, response and/or redirect to proper people
> In Harbour for OS/2 development ( ) we face from
> long time a problem using os2gcc compilers when we try to build some
> .dll files
> Tracing I found an now famous 32 Kb limit:
> -------------------------------------
> Somewhere gcc is using 32 Kb limit for our case
> gcc --> emxomfld.exe ( ld.exe )
> ( or is OS/2 limit ? :-) )
Yes, this is an OS/2 limitation. The usual workaround is to pass the
arguments in a response file (emxomfld @filename.rsp). Without checking
all the relevant code, I'm pretty sure that the compiler/linker driver
(gcc) will not create a response file when invoking sub programs like
as, ld or emxomfld. The easiest way to hack it into doing this would be
to change pexecute() in libiberty/pexecute.c to create a response file
for arguments exceeding, say, 24 KB.
For all future communication, could you and your team please use the
libc/gcc mailing list:
You can file bugs in the ticket tracker on that site, although, if it's
gcc related and you want it fixed soon you're probably better off filing
them with Paul's bug tracker. :-)
Kind regards / Mit freundlichen Gruessen / Vennlig hilsen,
Sun Microsystems GmbH Knut St. Osmundsen
Werkstrasse 24 Senior Staff Engineer, VirtualBox
71384 Weinstadt, Germany
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)