On Thu, 11 Feb 2010, Leandro Damasio wrote:


> >It will work but I do not understand how it's possible to call
> >function by macro knowing it's name when macro value is created
> >but in other context you do not know this name. Your above
> >description does not make any sense or you simply forgot to say
> >about some important conditions.
> Below is some code to exemplify what I couldn't explain to you
> textually. Maybe it helps.

It was enough to say that you are using DLL name as part
of name of your DLL entry function :-).
With HRB file it can be implemented easier using static
function with fixed name, i.e. HRBMAIN() in each module
which needs initialization.

BTW LIBLOAD()/LIBFREE() are xHarbour compatible functions.
    I suggest to use hb_libLoad()/hb_libFree().
    Your code will not work for lower case extenssion.
    I suggest to change it to sth like:
       cFunction := "__DLL__" + ;
                    left( aFiles[ddd,1], at( ".", aFiles[ddd,1] ) -1 )

best regards,
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