Tried and worsk ! i have search hb_IniRead in c:\harbour so web can use for help same user find right information in harbour
Folder: c:\harbour c:\harbour\examples\httpsrv\uhttpd.prg ( 1 ) (2372) LOCAL hIni := hb_IniRead( cConfig, TRUE ) // TRUE = load all keys in MixedCase, redundant as it is default, but to remember c:\harbour\src\rdd\hbsix\sxini.prg ( 1 ) (101) hIni := hb_IniRead( cFile, .F.,, .F. ) c:\harbour\src\rtl\hbini.prg ( 3 ) (102) FUNCTION hb_IniRead( cFileSpec, lKeyCaseSens, cSplitters, lAutoMain ) (107) RETURN hb_IniReadStr( cData, lKeyCaseSens, cSplitters, lAutoMain ) (109) FUNCTION hb_IniReadStr( cData, lKeyCaseSens, cSplitters, lAutoMain ) c:\harbour\tests\parseini.prg ( 4 ) (028) hIni := hb_IniRead( cName ) (069) hIni := hb_IniRead( cName, /*default case*/ , /*Default key indicators */ , .F. ) (133) hIni := hb_IniReadStr( cIni, /*default case*/ , /*Default key indicators */ , .F. ) (169) cIni := hb_IniWriteStr( hb_IniRead( cName ) ) after repeat search i have field folter overwritten with content on expression search so i have "hb_iniread" in folter repeat serch changing field type multiples times 2010/2/10 Pritpal Bedi <> > > > Massimo Belgrano wrote: > > > > good > > It can be usefull for user who start using harbour and want info about a > > function > > > > This is not usefu for Harbour only, but in everyday task. > > Can you confirm it is working the way you visualize after r13835. > > > > -- Massimo Belgrano
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