On Tue, 09 Feb 2010, Szak�ts Viktor wrote:


> >>>     #include "hbapi.h"
> >>>     HB_EXPORT_ATTR PHB_FUNC dll_hb_vmProcAddress( const char * szFuncName 
> >>> )
> >>>     {
> >>>        return hb_vmProcAddress( szFuncName );
> >>>     }
> I see. Can't it be added unconditionally for all Windows .exes?
> Is there any downside?

It enables symbol exporting. It will increase final binaries due to
additional runtime code and DLL symbol table. In MinGW it's about 35Kb.
I know that it's not very much for current desktop computers but I do
not like to link unnecessary code. I do not know what if it cause some
noticeable startup speed overhead but I think it's minor.

Alternatively we may not touch HBMK2 at all and users can add to their
main .prg code:

   #pragma begindump
      #include "hbapi.h"
      HB_EXPORT_ATTR PHB_FUNC dll_hb_vmProcAddress( const char * szFuncName )
         return hb_vmProcAddress( szFuncName );
   #pragma enddump

I've already implemented the modification I was talking about and used
above code to test them,

best regards,
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